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Penetration Testing

IARM is proud to offer advanced Penetration Testing services that set the industry standard. What makes our approach unique is our dedication to manual penetration testing. Instead of relying on automated scanners, we depend on the expertise of our skilled professionals and the credibility of being a CREST-accredited company.

IARM offers options ranging from Black, Grey, to White Box level pentesting services for Application, Mobile, and Network.

The CREST Advantage 

As an accredited company by CREST, IARM adheres to the highest cybersecurity industry standards. CREST certification ensures that our testing methodologies, legal and regulatory requirements, data protection standards, and data security practices meet stringent criteria. This guarantees the utmost security and confidentiality throughout the testing process.

CREST Certified

Our Approach

  1. Manual Test  
    • In today’s ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, automated tools can only go to a limited extent. The human element is what truly makes the difference
    • Our approach involves cyber experts who understand customer applications and meticulously create test cases (300 to 600 test cases), which include business logic testing, privilege validation of all roles, and the use of approved tools and payloads. 
  2. Developer-Friendly Reports 
    • IARM is known for its “Developer-Friendly” Pen Testing reports. These reports are widely accepted by developers because they fulfill their requirements and provide clear insights. 
    • Each report includes a simulation view for every vulnerability, along with practical, easy-to-implement recommendations.  
  3.  Precision and Depth 
    • By focusing on manual testing, IARM delivers precision and depth in the assessments. Our cyber experts not only identify vulnerabilities but also assess their potential impact, helping your organization prioritize its security efforts effectively.
    • This approach empowers your organization to address vulnerabilities with confidence, gaining a better understanding of the associated risks.


managed security team

Success Story

Cybersecurity Breakthrough

Unveiling Exceptional Results in Our Largest Penetration Testing Case Study

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Pentesting Frameworks

CREST Accredited  

Manual/Business Logic Test 

Developer Friendly Reports 

Why IARM for Penetration Testing Service?

Manual Testing Expertise: IARM firmly believes in the effectiveness of manual testing. Over 80% of our test cases are meticulously conducted by our cybersecurity experts, ensuring depth and precision.

Tailored Assessments: IARM performs around 600 to 900 checks, tailored to your organization’s application’s nature and specific requirements.

Proof of Concept: For each vulnerability discovered, IARM provides a “Proof of Concept” and actionable solutions, giving your organization the guidance needed to enhance its security.

Cost-Free Retest: IARM offers a cost-free one-time retest to validate the effectiveness of implemented solutions

Focus on Actual Findings: Our reports prioritize actual findings over voluminous false positives, enabling your organization to prioritize security efforts effectively. 

By choosing IARM, a CREST-accredited organization, your organization gains access to Penetration Testing services that are precise, human-driven, and aligned with the highest industry standards. Elevate your security today with IARM’s commitment to safeguarding your digital assets.

Resource Spotlight

CREST penetration testing vendors

Press Release

IARM achieves CREST accreditation for penetration testing

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Success Story

Largest Penetration Testing Casestudy

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100 Security Tips from Expert Penetration Testers for Software Developers


100 Security Tips from Expert Penetration Testers

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Level Up Your Security